December 2020 Meeting Minutes

OCATS Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday December 3, 2020
Time: 10:45am – 12:00pm
Location: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
  1. Welcome & Land Acknowledgement
    • To connect our community and work towards Truth and Reconciliation. We’ll begin this OCATs meeting by acknowledging that we are meeting, al bet virtually, on Indigenous land that has been inhabited by Indigenous people from the beginning. For those of us who are settlers, we thank all the generations of people who have taken care of these lands and acted as stewards of these places for us over thousands of years.

      With the large geographic area that this virtual meeting covers, we acknowledge that there are many Indigenous groups and treaties that are historic to this province. We recognize the contributions of the Metis, Inuit and all those that are Indigenous peoples. We deeply appreciate all their historic connections and contributions to strengthening and shaping this province and this country.

  2. Approval of Agenda – Approved
  3. Presentation on Bibframe & Linked Data – Ian Bigelow, University of Alberta (10 minutes)
  4. Logos
  5. Working during a Pandemic
    • Hamilton Public Library is in a Red Zone. All branches are fully open. Cataloguers are working on site but are doing more front-end service, so cataloguing is progressing slowly. A lot of cataloguing is being completed from invoices or simply approving vendor records.
    • Whitby Public Library is in a Red Zone. Staff and cataloguing team are on site, but the number of visitors is low.
    • Western University Libraries are open for study space, but the stacks are closed. Tech services are in a separate building and are working with reduced staff for physical distancing.
    • Burlington Public Library is open for browsing except for the central branch which is operating as grab and go. Tech services are not doing front end work and are focusing on cataloguing.
    • Barrie Public Library is in an Orange Zone. It is fully open and still offering express service. Most staff are on site, including tech services.
    • Ryerson University Library’s print cataloguing backlog is 10 months long as cataloguers have not been deemed as essential. Ebook cataloguing is being done from home. The library is offering some access to study space and print books can be requested and picked up on site.
    • Aurora Public Library has switched to indoor pick-up service because their parking lot (where they were previously offering pick-up) is under construction. Also offering ‘take and make’ kits from their Creative Studio and one-hour computer use on site.
    • Orangeville Public Library is in the Orange Zone. It is open to the public for computer use and holds pick up.
    • Richmond Hill Public Library is in the Red Zone. Hours are reduced but visitors are welcome to use the space and to browse the stacks. Reference desk staff are reduced. The opportunity is being taken to shift the collections. All staff have returned to regular hours except for some of the programmers.
  1. Discussion
    • OLA Superconference 2021 – entire conference will be virtual in 2021. Libraries can purchase a site license which will allow the entire library staff to access the conference and all recordings for 6 months
    • Tammy Moorse will be presenting on leveraging community information within the library and her work on the Red Book of Community Information at Hamilton Public Library.
    • May Chan will be part of a panel along with student interns from the University of Toronto. They will be discussing their project of increasing staff engagement around the need to improve subject headings pertaining to Indigenous Peoples.
    • Thomas Brenndorfer will be leading two presentations on the new RDA toolkit.
  1. Update on Ethics in Cataloguing and upcoming OLITA Event – May Chan
    • May Chan gave an update on the activities of the Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee.
    • They are continuing work on “A Code of Ethics for Cataloguers”. There have been two rounds of feedback and editing since the last OCATS meeting. The team meets every two weeks to review and discuss all comments. The second draft was pushed forward in August and closed for comments in September. They are close to issuing a final version but are still reviewing comments and consulting with teams in the UK and US to ensure that it meets the needs of those cataloguing communities.
    • OLITA is running a presentation on December 15,  “What’s Ethics Got to Do With it”
    • There is currently a cost of $45 for the webinar but Tammy and May will follow up with OLITA as it was meant to be free. An update will be sent to the Google group and May will be invited back to give a presentation to the group if the OLITA webinar remains at $45.
    • Heather Pretty and Robin Desmeules will also be offering a webinar on Bibframe with OLITA in February. This will have a cost as it is more hands on.
  1. Other Business – no business to discuss
  2. Next Meeting Date and Time – MARCH 4, 2021 from 10 am to 11:30 am
  3. Adjourned