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OCATS Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday June 18th, 2020
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
- Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
- Approval of Agenda
- Addition to Agenda: Item 6 – May Chan to give overview of Cataloguing Ethics Document
- Terms of Reference for Group
- Name: Ontario Cataloguing and Technical Service Interest Group (OCATS)
- Goals
- To be a networking community to share information about trends and changes
- To be a space to share information between all library types: public, academic, special, etc.
- To support increased metadata content at OLA to support professional development. Through advocacy to OLA or through supporting each other to develop presentations together.
- To collect data about cataloguing and metadata work and services to help individual libraries and departments present to senior leadership teams.
- Structure
- Meeting Schedule – quarterly hybrid meetings: in person and virtual, 2 hours in length, tentative 2020 schedule: September, December
- Hosting of group documents of website
- Continue to use Google Group for document sharing and conversation
- Review options for a formal website at next meeting
- Working during a Pandemic
- Survey responses – 19 responses so far, responses included responses from outside of Ontario, survey will remain active to be circulated more widely to Canadian technical services groups
- Action: Tammy to email survey results to OCATS list
- Forum Discussion Continued
- OFRB ratings – replacement options, film ratings sources mentioned in chat:
- BC
- Quebec
- Alberta
- Maritime
- TV Parental Guidance Labels
- Cineplex
- OLA-presentations, streams, unconference
- will plan to schedule an “unconference” time at OLA 2021
- Presentation of Draft of Cataloguing Ethics Principles – May Chan, University of Toronto (5 minutes)
- Background on the Project: In 2019 a steering committee from ALA, CFLA, and CILIP formed to steer a process to come up with cataloguing ethics principles
- Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee Website
- Working groups were formed in fall 2019
- Subject headings
- Classification
- Workflows and infrastructure
- Working groups presented recommendations and came up with 10 principles (draft)
- Draft is open for input and commentary until August 1, 2020
- RDA Toolkit update – Thomas Brenndorfer, Guelph Public Library (10 minutes)
- Current toolkit hasn’t had any updates. All new content is in the new toolkit. It updates the instruction set and element set.
- Language of the toolkit is written in a way to facilitate translation.
- Some updates in the new toolkit:
- names, titles access points and identifiers
- transcribing vs recording
- new elements: manifestations statement elements
- access point construction
- records -> data
- Resources:
- ALA has webinar series for RDA training
- RDA YouTube channel has lots of shorter lessons
- RIMMF to input data with the RDA element sets
- Two OLA presentations planned for next year on RDA
- Proposal: Q&A for RDA at next meeting, call for questions will go our before the next meeting
- Action: Thomas to put some training links together to share with the group
- Other Business
- Please us the forum in the Google Group to post questions or discussion, it’s always so helpful!
- Next Meeting Date and Time
- Date: September 24th 2020 10am-12pm
- Adjournment
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