June 2021 Meeting Minutes

OCATS Meeting Agenda

Date: Thursday June 17, 2021
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Location: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
  1. Welcome & Land Acknowledgement – if anyone would like to suggest changes to the Land Acknowledgement contact Tammy Moorse – tmoorse @hpl.ca
  2. Approval of Agenda – Approved
  1. Member check-in
    • Jana Prokupek– Burlington Public Library – Technical services has been working two days per week on site and three from home. They are offering contactless holds pick-up and will hopefully be opening the smaller branches for browsing in Phase 2.
      • Manager of their department has retired, and Cody Vanderslot has taken the role, will be hiring a new collections librarian to replace him.
      • A customer pointed out that Indigenous cookbooks were appearing in searches for “Indian cookbooks” even though they had already updated their subject headings – are currently looking into how to solve this problem
      • Have been adding photos to records that don’t include cover images from the vendors – photographing the items and adding the images to the records manually
      • Tammy Moorse suggested looking into the ISBN cover image look-up service provided by Bibliocommons
    • Erica Mayhew – Richmond Hill Public Library– recently finished updating the Indigenous Subject Headings in the catalogue using mostly the Greater Victoria Public Library, 350+ subject headings
    • Anna Dundas – London Public Library – Have been switching from cataloguing in-hand to cataloguing from invoices. Aim to continue with 80% of items being catalogued from invoices and 20% on hand. They have been operating without a coordinator for some time but will be hiring someone new soon. Also currently working on updating Indigenous subject headings as well as other subject headings that could be potentially problematic.
    • Kris Wawrzyniak – Toronto Public Library – Will be launching the new digital archive on July 14 after over two years of work. After the TPL archive goes live, the Ontario Digital Archive will as well as it uses the same data set. There were some challenges with the platform as it was built for museums and had limitations as to the number of subject headings of one type that can be used.
    • Tammy Moorse – Hamilton Public Library – HPL’s Red Book Database of Community services launched its new linked-data system in December. They can bring in data from provincial and federal data sets via API and use ESRI GIS technology for addresses to provide consistency throughout records and provide mapping capabilities. They also just launched the Senior’s Guide which is a curated subset of the general database that is targeted towards seniors in Hamilton. It is available as a dynamic PDF with notes on the bottom of each page to indicate the data so that the timeliness of the data can be noted after printing.
      • Public Services have remained open throughout the recent shutdown with 30 min computer use and contactless holds pick-up. In Phase 1 computer time has been increased to one hour. Grab-and-Go bags continue to be offered
    •  Diana Haefele – Hamilton Public Library – Technical services is working with a small number of staff currently. They are cataloguing print materials from invoices at home and non-print materials on site.
    • Kelley Buehler – Toronto Public Library – Have been offering grab-bags of pre-selected items and will be reintroducing board books into circulation. Next, they will be re-introducing magazines and other serials as well
    • Natalie MacDonald – Has been working on the French translations of the updated Indigenous Subject Headings and has approval now to publish a first phase of bilingual updates in Canadiana
    • Kathleen O’Reilly – National Gallery of Canada – They have also been working on updating the Indigenous Subject Headings. Are hoping to have access to their building soon as they have not been allowed on site since the last shutdown.
    • Jolene – Aurora Public Library – Have been working on updating Indigenous subject headings and are about halfway through using the list from Greater Victoria Public Library
    • Lindsay Shaw – New Tecumseth Public Library – Their department is going through some big staffing changes as they are one manager short, and their CEO is on their last days and has not yet been replaced. They are also working on cataloguing items as part of their new Library of Things collection and helping with curbside and public services.
    • Quarantining of materials has been ceased at Toronto Public Library, Hamilton Public Library, Orangeville Public Library, Barrie Public Library, and New Tecumseth Public Library
    • ALA RUSA presentation July 7, 1pm EST– Decolonizing the Catalog: Anti-Racist Description Practices from Authority Records to Discovery Layers https://www.ala.org/rusa/decolonizing-catalog-anti-racist-description-practices-authority-records-discovery-layers
  1. Plans for OCATs – Kelly Buehler, Toronto Public Library
    • Many thanks to Tammy Moorse for pushing this group ahead
    • Goals:
      • Form a networking community
      • Share info about trends and changes in cataloguing and metadata throughout all types of libraries
      • Support and push for increased cataloguing and metadata sessions at OLA
    • Meetings and membership will continue to be free. Group will meet quarterly for up to two hours either in person or online
    • Aim to provide low or no-cost training opportunities on topics such as MarcEdit, Open Refine, and RDA. There is also the idea to offer one-to-two-hour sessions in a “summer camp style” in July or August of 2022
    • OCATS Website is in development and will include meeting minutes, resources for new cataloguers, technical resources, links to other cataloguing organizations, updates on projects at the Ontario institutions, and information, resources, and links about specific topics such as Indigenous subject headings
    • A questionnaire or invitation will be sent to OCATS members to gather information for the website or contact Kris Wawrzyniak (kwawrzyniak @tpl.ca) to gain editing permissions
    • Note was shared to use the language of Indigenizing your catalogue rather than decolonizing your catalogue
      1. A link to a reading on this topic was shared: Decolonization is not a Metaphor by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/view/18630
  1. OCATS Website https://ocats.ca/– Kris gave a demonstration of the current version of the OCATS website. Contact Kris (kwawrzyniak @tpl.ca), Kelly (kbueller @tpl.ca), or Tammy (tmoorse @hpl.ca) to share ideas for the site
    • New pages will be added for different topics
    • Retention policy needs to be considered to determine when old posts will be archived
    • All content is automatically backed up to google drive and the website is hosted in Montreal on Canadian servers
    • Institutions that would like their own page to share information on the website can email Kris
    • Institutional pages can be used to share conference presentations or specific project details and Tammy/Kelly/Kris are happy to address questions from senior leadership if permission is needed to post these items
  2. Update on Cataloguing Code of Ethics – May Chan, University of Toronto
    • Endorsement and engagement from library associations is underway and francophone and Indigenous committees are also being consulted. This process will take 6 months to 1 year.
    • Grassroots impact of this work includes a group from Portugal asking if they can translate and use this code of ethics and several people who served on the working groups asking to present on what the work has meant to them.
    • Some criticism/critique has been received that it is Anglo-American heavy. Response is that it was never meant to be a global endeavor. Everyone is invited to add to the bibliography.
    • August 10, 2pm EST – presentation geared to administrators and managers about the need to cataloguing ethics and why this type of work should be prioritized https://www.ala.org/core/walking-talk-realizing-ethical-considerations
    • Currently collecting case studies for situations that come up in the workplace that require some sort of ethical consideration. Details are found on the website: https://sites.google.com/view/cataloging-ethics/home/case-studies?authuser=0
  3. Final Report from the Canadian Bibframe Readiness Task Force from CFLA-FCAB

    • To be added to the September agenda
  4. Program of Cooperative Cataloguing (PCC) position on RDA 3R

    • To be added to the September agenda
  5. Other Business – none
  6. Next Meeting Date and Time – September date and time TBD
  7. Adjournment