June 2022 Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, June 16, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Location: virtual meeting via Zoom
Co-Chairs: Natalie MacDonald (Canadian Research Knowledge Network) and Trina Grover (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Introduction and welcome – Natalie
Land acknowledgement: Natalie shared a picture of quill work made by Melissa Peter-Paul of the Abegweit First Nation as she gave a reflection and land acknowledgement
OCATS code of conduct – Natalie presented our code of conduct:
“OCATS is dedicated to providing a welcoming, professionally engaging, and safe experience for all participants. OCATS values the productive exchange of ideas and insights from our community and fosters an inclusive environment to discuss opportunities and challenges. Discriminatory language, actions, and imagery are not appropriate for any OCATS event, whether online or in a face to face environment. OCATS does not tolerate harassment in any form.”
CFLA Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee – Emma Cross
Emma’s presentation on the committee will be posted on the OCATS site.
- The CFLA CMSC is composed of representatives from 8 Canadian provincial, regional and territorial library associations as well as a representative from the CFLA Board
- There is a strong demand in the Canadian cataloguing community for training. The Committee will collaborate with member associations to co-ordinate the development and delivery of training. However, the Committee has encountered challenges finding trainers.
- Forums like OCATS are a great resource for training outside conferences. OCATS provides opportunities for shorter and more informal training.
- Post COVID, the Committee is working on consultation sessions for the Cataloguing Code of Ethics which was finalized in January 2021. ALA Core Board and CILIP Board have approved the Code of Ethics and now it is Canada’s turn
- Early plans for a consultation session on the Cataloguing Code of Ethics at OLA super conference 2023. Emma is looking for a volunteer to help run the session, please let her know if you are interested.
- Please contact Emma if you have ideas, suggestions or comments for the CLFA CMSC. The Committee meets 2-3 times each year and there is a provincial / regional report at each meeting so comments and feedback go directly to the Committee.
Tutorial – Creating a 245 Field in New RDA – Thomas Brenndorfer
- Presentation focused on RDA, not MARC
- Handout is posted on OCATS site
- LAC policies will be added to Toolkit eventually
- Link to LC policies: LC Metadata Guidance Documents https://loc.gov/aba/rda/mgd/index.html
- Elisa noted that it’s helpful to read introductory chapters in the Guidance menu, especially Introduction to RDA – Data Elements and Manifestation statements
- It’s important to create your own profile in the Toolkit
- There are many ways to get everywhere in the toolkit
- You can search by MARC tag
- MARC (etc.) mapping help is available through the Element Reference button
Summer School Topic and Dates – Trina
- Someone has volunteered to do a MarcEdit tutorial this summer – date and time TBA
- We will record the session so that people can watch it if they can’t attend
- Keep in mind that you don’t have to be an expert to provide training on something
Open discussion
Claims returned
- Joanne asked what other libraries do about customers who have a lot of claims returned items
- Not dead yet – many ILSs are dependent on it
- MARC Advisory Committee meeting is June 28-30 – here is the link: https://www.loc.gov/marc/mac/an2022_age.html
- MarcEdit is useful for dealing with records for electronic resources (often poor quality)
- MarcEdit listserv: https://listserv.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=marcedit-l
LD4 Conference is July 11-15: https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/2022-ld4-conference/schedule?authuser=0
Name authorities
- What are libraries doing about trans authors’ deadnames?
Some articles:
Also recommended: Ethical questions in name authority control (Library Juice Press, 2019)
- Libraries like OPL, TPL, and Toronto Metropolitan University continue to do authority control despite lack of support for traditional metadata work
- even when there is no browse searching / see references in the discovery layer, authority work is useful to provide consistent hyperlinks
- Authors sometimes contact the library to ask that dates be removed from their headings
- Example of record with dates removed: https://lccn.loc.gov/nr91003643
- LC requires dates in name heading; NACO rules say author’s wishes trump the rules
- There is no easy way to establish headings for local authors
- Motion Pictures Actors’ Union discourages the use of dates with actors’ names since it can lead to age discrimination; IMDB uses numbers to differentiate actors with the same name
- RDA will not dictate what to do with authorities
Please feel free to send feedback on this meeting to Natalie MacDonald <nmacdonald@crkn.ca>
Next meeting: September 22 @ 10 ET
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